The peaceful, balanced person within you is waiting to be unleashed. There’s an entire world out there, ready to be explored. However, being a prisoner in your own mind is the cruellest self-inflicted punishment imaginable.
The most merciless prison is the prison of the mind; it represents a constant struggle with oneself. You must first recognise this mental prison before you can escape from it. We are all captives of our own identities, living in prisons of our own making. The greatest freedom is liberation from our own minds. Our thoughts shape who we are. The mind is everything: what we think, we become.
Your mind can be your greatest ally if you control it, but it becomes your worst enemy if it controls you. Is your mind truly your own? Without freeing yourself from your mind, you can never experience genuine freedom in life.
Once you learn to control your mind, you can forge your own path and decide how far and where you go in life. Free your mind, and the rest will follow. Your mind is your biggest obstacle.
Forgiveness does not mean condoning someone’s behaviour. Forgiveness occurs within your own mind and has little to do with the other person. True forgiveness involves freeing yourself from pain. It is an act of releasing negative energy.
When you free yourself from your mind and senses, nothing can bind you, and only then are you truly free. If you dislike your story, rewrite it. When the mind is devoid of images, it creates its own.
What occupies your mind controls your life. The cost of freedom is simply choosing to liberate yourself from your mind. Learn to let your mind be free from others’ influence.

You become a prisoner of your mind when you cling to past pain. Do not be a slave to the past. Embrace excitement for your future. Everything starts and ends in your mind. What you empower will have power over you if you permit it. You will never be free until you liberate yourself from the prison of false thoughts and beliefs. When imprisoned by your mind, there is no release date. The greatest prison people inhabit is the fear of others’ opinions.
Recognise the healing energy around you. Your thoughts shape your reality but can also imprison you in your own mind. Break free from that prison and focus on the positives in your life.
Freedom comes when you no longer let others’ words and actions dictate your mood, well-being, and emotional state. Fear is a prison.
Your mind is a prison; you are bound by the chains of suffering and agony, gagged by voices of despair and misery, and blinded to the pain and torment of life. You are a prisoner of your own insecurities and doubts. You will continue to cry, unable to see the solution, blaming others and making no efforts, lost in your sorrows.
The worst prisons are not made of steel and stone but are carved from expectations, lies, judgement, and corruption.
Why remain in prison when the door is wide open?
Do not be a victim of your mind. Men are not prisoners of fate but of their minds. You are both the prisoner and the warden of your prison. You can choose to remain caged or walk out. Step out of your mind.