Rage is a strong anger that is hard to control, and it can be violent. Often, we feel overcome with this sense of rage due to a specific situation or event. To be enraged suggests a highly hostile response to whatever has caused your outrage. Sometimes rage can lead to a dangerous state of mind. Individuals may attempt difficult, reckless, or impossible things due to increased adrenaline in the body. The problem with rage Rage is a risky emotion that can harm our health and ability to control ourselves. Research suggests that people who frequently get angry may be more likely to feel depressed and anxious. Some doctors even believe that holding in anger can cause physical illness. High blood pressure and heart problems are also known to be linked to anger. Rage is a bad trait. It makes us snap at others, act irrationally, and lose sight of ourselves. This is bad for our relationships and our sense of self. It is important to control our emotional responses to stay more level-headed. Often, rage is a trait found in those with fundamentalist religious or political views. Rage can result from fundamentalist viewpoints or a lack of cognitive flexibility to feel empathy for other ideologies. It is not wrong to hold specific beliefs. However, it is healthy to distance your mind’s processes from the immediacy of fundamentalist viewpoints. These viewpoints can cause you to develop ‘tunnel vision’ or see the world in a polarising way. Why we experience rage Rage is believed to be an in-built behaviour of humans. Rage tends to bring out aggression as a response to a severely adverse event. Sometimes we exhibit rage as a result of finding our beliefs or grounding ideas challenged. However, rage can also be a hostile response to feeling betrayed or experiencing disloyalty. People may find their experiences of rage worse or more intense if they think they have underlying traumatic experiences. These experiences have affected their ability to process difficult emotions, causing the mind to skip straight to violent response rather than rational thought. Fundamentally, we uncover the cause of our rage through an exploration of self-knowledge. It can be hard and painful to discover what has established trauma within us, producing a problem such as rage. To resolve such an issue, we have to process the emotions associated with adverse events to move forwards.