In collaboration with Sanam Satti, we proudly offer a diverse array of therapeutic and beauty services. Explore Sanam Satti’s holistic approach to a wide range of therapeutic and beauty services.

Sanam and her Philosophy
Sanam holds the belief that every human body is inherently beautiful and deserves to be treated with utmost respect. Recognising that we are all on a unique journey of self-discovery, she is dedicated to assisting you in finding your way back home.

Who is Sanam?
With a rich history in the hair, beauty, and wellbeing industry dating back to 2006, Sanam has amassed a multitude of qualifications through academic studies, establishing an extensive portfolio of knowledge and a proficiency in delivering exceptional customer service. Demonstrating high motivation and resourcefulness, Sanam brings forth a diverse skill set across her chosen fields. Currently, offering services in Yorkshire and surrounding areas, she operates both from clinics and through mobile services.

Sanam is deeply immersed in a holistic lifestyle, placing a keen focus on spirituality, the natural elements of the earth, and principles of healthy eating and living. This dedication has led her to specialize in healing the mind, body, and soul through the transformative power of massage. Recognising the holistic benefits, Sanam emphasises that massage not only improves mental attitude and emotional states but also promotes an increase in energy, willpower, and mental focus.

What is a holistic approach?
In the intricate web of human existence, encompassing mind, body, spirit, emotions, past, and present, we are all interconnected. With Sanam, you’re not just receiving the expertise of a therapist skilled in one particular field or focused solely on a specific issue or body part. Instead, you benefit from her comprehensive experience and undivided attention, guiding you to focus on the entirety of YOU.

The term “holistic” originates from the Greek word “holos,” which translates to “entire” or “all.” In essence, holistic treatment involves addressing the complete person, without any far-fetched or unconventional connotations. It simply means treating the individual in a comprehensive and integrated manner.

Sanam’s values:
   – Offering a warm & inviting atmosphere
   – Community-built relationships with clients & the world
   – Integrity and trustworthy care
   – Upholding a strong level of professionalism
   – Connecting with people in as many ways as possible
   – Spreading knowledge and guidance through education
   – Commitment to wellness & health
   – Sign posting & working together with other likeminded businesses and organisations.

Sanam’s holistic therapies are a wellness space that aims to provide individuals with a sanctuary of space to escape the stresses of everyday life. To book an appointment, please contact Sanam on 07969772348.

Below is a list of treatments that are provided in a safe and professional environment:

A woman indulging in Relaxation Therapy at a Bradford spa.

Massage Therapy

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Ar Holistic Therapy - Bradford - Sanam Satti's holistic & beauty spa offering a relaxing massage for women.

Holistic and Beauty Treatments

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Ar Holistic Therapy - Bradford - Sanam Satti's holistic & beauty products, including a stethoscope, pills and syringes, on a white surface.

Aesthetics and Advanced Facial Treatments

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Ar Holistic Therapy - Bradford - Sanam Satti's holistic & beauty salon provides a relaxing experience for women, offering hair washing services in a serene environment.


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Ar Holistic Therapy - Bradford - Sanam Satti's holistic & beauty salon offers exceptional nail services, where a woman indulges in getting her nails done by a skilled manicurist.

Nail Services

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