The primary reason narrow thinking is so harmful to us is that it significantly reduces our capabilities and imaginations, making us less happy and more prone to fear. The result of this fear can lead to prejudice and discrimination and generally ignorant behaviour, alongside general anxiety towards the unknown.
Which of our treatments can best help you with narrow thinking?
- Guided meditation can help us expand our minds. It can be a wonderful way to step outside of our existing preconceptions and explore the world from a new perspective.
- Our self-development program can help you take practical steps to reduce your self-limiting thoughts. Ultimately, it will help you become more open-minded.
The Causes of Narrow Thinking
There are many reasons why we might become narrow-minded. We could be born into environments that promote narrow thinking, like a specific political ideology or the mindset of a nation or household. Information that leads us to narrow viewpoints that promote ignorance or unhappiness can influence us. We can also develop these viewpoints throughout life based on our influences and surroundings. It’s easy to be led astray or encounter opposing views, and we may not think it’s our fault. However, it’s still our responsibility to address it. Sometimes, people cannot be as open-minded as others due to cognitive differences, like autism. While this cannot be changed, we can become aware of it and consider it more.
Effects of Narrow Thinking
If we are narrow-minded, we can find ourselves acting with ignorance or distaste towards things that we are unfamiliar with or simply not used to seeing. This is not always our fault, but it can lead to unrest in several different ways. Narrow-mindedness can cause unhappiness in both familial and national situations and personal relationships being destroyed by opposing viewpoints. While some ideologies disagree, acting with tolerance for others is a far more appropriate system of behavior, which we should adopt.
The Benefits of Being Open-minded
As humans, being open-minded is one of the greatest behavioural changes we can make personally, which can improve the world we live in. When we overcome narrow-mindedness and become open-minded, we can enjoy a variety or welcoming and enjoyable things as a result. We can find greater tolerance with people who have fundamental differences to us, such as those with different religions, ideologies, nationalities, races, sexes, and identities. When we embrace everybody with equal amounts of love, we are allowing ourselves to open up to a world of far greater empathy and joy, a world that everybody can be a part of. What’s more, when we are open-minded, we can rationalise and consider other ideas better and with greater tolerance, improving our cognitive function and making us better thinkers.