“Morality is not the doctrine of how we may make ourselves happy, but how we may make ourselves worthy of happiness.”
Morality is the compass that guides our ethical decisions, shapes our values and influences how we perceive and treat others. Cultivating a robust moral compass is paramount, enriching every facet of our relationships.
Which of our treatments can best assist you in exploring your morality?
- Guided Meditation: Reflect on your actions and identify areas for moral improvement. Guided meditation facilitates a deeper understanding of your moral landscape.
- Self-Development Programme: Learn how to incorporate morality into every part of your daily life. This program helps you live out your ethical principles.
What Is Morality?
Imagine stumbling upon a suitcase of money in a bush during your commute. The ensuing internal debate on whether to keep it or turn it in is a reflexion of morality, guiding what we perceive as right or wrong. Morality extends to our choices, actions, and thoughts. It influences our self-perception and understanding of good and bad.
Moral Values
Long-term pleasure comes from healthy living, financial stability, and nurturing relationships. It forms the basis for a moral value system.
Striving for and achieving excellence brings deep satisfaction. It highlights the importance of pursuing mastery.
Happiness is crucial to morality. It comes when life has meaning and responsibility.
Creativity is a fundamental moral value that is inherent to human nature. It contributes to a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Harmony is necessary for other moral values to be expressed. It ensures peace, security, and the chance for happiness, creativity, and excellence.
A Life Without Morality
If you don’t have morals, it doesn’t mean you embrace being evil. It means you have internal chaos. When you don’t have moral guidance, you lack identity, direction, and authenticity. The chaos around you reflects the turmoil inside caused by conflicting and unhelpful morals.
Gaining Morality
Avoid letting societal definitions of “good” moral values, such as wealth or status, sway you. True morality aligns with long-term fulfilment, not ephemeral pursuits. Awareness of inner thoughts and emotions is crucial. Resilience in long-held beliefs may resist change.
Guided Meditation for Moral Clarity
Guided meditation serves as a conduit to explore thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. This practice enhances awareness, circumvents resistance, and facilitates the release of old moral values. Embracing newfound ethical principles paves the way for a peaceful, joyous life.
In accepting and understanding our moral values, we can authentically shape our lives, free from external and internalised codes that hinder our true selves.