At Ar Girls Circles, we want every young offender in our local community to have a chance to change, grow, and become part of society again. We work to make our community safer and more caring, so these young people can succeed and make a positive impact.

Ar Girls Circles in Bradford has a team of mentors, therapists, coaches, and volunteers who are dedicated to supporting and guiding young offenders in our community. They all work together to bring this inspiring project to life.

We are committed to:
Rehabilitation: We believe in the power of rehabilitation and work diligently to help young offenders address the root causes of their actions, develop critical life skills, and build a foundation for a crime-free future.

Mentoring: We connect young offenders with dedicated mentors who serve as positive role models, offering guidance, encouragement, and a listening ear. These mentors help them navigate the challenges of reintegration into society.

Therapeutic Intervention: We provide access to qualified therapists who offer personalised counselling and therapy services to address mental health and emotional well-being, fostering resilience and healing.

Coaching for Success: We offer coaching and skill-building programs that equip young offenders with the tools they need to make positive life choices, set and achieve goals, and establish a pathway toward a brighter future.

Community Engagement: We actively engage with our local community to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and promote understanding of the challenges faced by young offenders. We seek to foster a supportive and inclusive environment for their reintegration.

Collaboration: We collaborate with local law enforcement agencies, schools, and social service organisations to ensure a holistic and coordinated approach to addressing youth crime in our community.

By carrying out our mission, we aim to break the cycle of crime, offer hope, and contribute to the creation of a safer and more empathetic community for all.

Cause of Crime in Young Offenders:
Social Environment: Growing up in disadvantaged or unstable environments with limited access to quality education, employment opportunities, and positive role models can lead to criminal behaviour in young offenders.

Peer Influence: Young people may be influenced by their peers to engage in criminal activities as a means of gaining acceptance or fitting in.

Substance Abuse: Drug and alcohol abuse can impair judgement and increase the likelihood of involvement in criminal activities.

Family Factors: Dysfunctional family dynamics, such as neglect, abuse, or the absence of parental guidance, can contribute to criminal behaviour in youth.

Mental Health Issues: Undiagnosed or untreated mental health problems, like conduct disorder or oppositional defiant disorder, can lead to delinquent behaviour.

Lack of Positive Activities: A lack of constructive extracurricular activities and hobbies can leave young people with idle time, increasing the risk of criminal involvement.

Different Types of Crimes Young People Can Commit:
Property Crimes: Theft, burglary, vandalism, and shoplifting.

Violent Crimes: Assault, robbery, and even homicide in some cases.

Drug-Related Crimes: Possession, distribution, or manufacturing of illegal substances.

Cybercrimes: Hacking, online harassment, and cyberbullying.

Sexual Offences: Involvement in sexual assault or sexting involving minors.

Juvenile Delinquency: Various acts of delinquency, such as truancy, curfew violations, and running away from home.

Consequences of these Crimes on Young People:
Legal Consequences: Arrest, juvenile detention, probation, or even adult incarceration.

Psychological Impact: Guilt, shame, and trauma from criminal activity and its consequences.

Educational Setbacks: Expulsion, suspension, or difficulty accessing quality education.

Social Stigmatisation: Alienation from peers and community, making reintegration challenging.

Future Opportunities: Limited job prospects and potential obstacles to securing housing and financial stability.

Cycle of Recidivism: Continued involvement in criminal activities and an increased likelihood of becoming adult offenders.

Benefits of Helping Young Offenders Deal with These Issues:
Reduced Recidivism: Providing support and intervention can break the cycle of criminal behaviour.

Rehabilitation: Young offenders can receive counselling, therapy, and education to address underlying issues.

Improved Community Safety: Addressing the root causes of youth crime contributes to safer neighbourhoods.

Cost Savings: Preventing reoffending saves money on criminal justice system expenses.

Positive Contributors: Rehabilitated young offenders can become productive members of society.

Prevention Strategies:
Early Intervention: Identify at-risk young people and provide support, mentoring, and counselling before they engage in criminal behaviour.

Education: Improve access to quality education and after-school programs to keep young people engaged in positive activities.

Mental Health Services: Increase access to mental health care and counselling for young people.

Community Outreach: Create community-based programs that offer alternatives to crime and positive role models.

Parenting Support: Offer parenting classes and support to improve family dynamics.

Youth Employment: Create job training and employment opportunities for young people.

Restorative Justice: Encourage restorative justice programs that focus on repairing harm and teaching accountability rather than punitive measures.

Addressing the causes of youth crime and providing comprehensive support can help young offenders make positive changes in their lives and reduce the likelihood of future criminal behaviour.