Ar Girls Circle Bradford supports young girls in our community by addressing their mental, emotional, and childhood challenges. We give them the tools and resources they need to navigate these issues successfully. Our goal is to prevent any potential difficulties from affecting their adult lives.

We know that how we experience things when we are young and how we feel emotionally can have a big effect on our whole life. That’s why we work hard to make a caring and helpful place for young people to get better, grow, and become stronger.

In addition to offering emotional support, we also provide valuable educational programs and workshops. These programs are designed to empower individuals with essential life skills, coping mechanisms, and strategies to enhance their emotional intelligence. By fostering emotional and mental well-being from an early age, we aim to break the cycle of generational challenges and pave the way for a brighter and more prosperous future for our community.

Ar Girls Circle Bradford believes in the power of community engagement. We actively promote community involvement and connection. This helps create a sense of belonging, which is essential for mental and emotional health. We have different initiatives that encourage young girls to connect with each other. They can share their experiences and support each other in their personal growth and healing journey.

We are dedicated to creating a society that prioritises mental and emotional well-being. We want everyone to have the chance to lead a fulfilling adult life. Join us in empowering young girls and strengthening our community.

Here is the list of some of the issues we are planning to deal with:

Bullying: Many children face bullying at school or online, which can have lasting emotional and psychological effects.

Peer Pressure: Children may feel pressured to conform to their peers’ behaviours or expectations, sometimes leading to risky or harmful activities.

Academic Stress: The pressure to perform well in school, standardised testing, and homework can lead to stress and anxiety.

Family Problems: Issues such as divorce, family conflict, or the loss of a loved one can be challenging for children to cope with.

Physical Health Problems: Chronic illnesses, disabilities, or health conditions can impact a child’s daily life and self-esteem.

Mental Health Issues: Conditions like anxiety, depression, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorders can affect a child’s emotional well-being and development.

Social Isolation: Some children may struggle with making friends or feeling left out, leading to feelings of loneliness and low self-esteem.

Self-Esteem and Body Image: Body image concerns and self-esteem issues can arise, especially during adolescence.

Academic Challenges: Learning disabilities, attention deficits, or difficulties in specific subjects can create frustration and lower self-confidence.

Cyberbullying: With increased internet and social media use, cyberbullying has become a significant issue for many children.

Substance Abuse: Some children may experiment with drugs or alcohol, leading to addiction problems.

Eating Disorders: Conditions like anorexia nervosa, bulimia, or binge-eating disorder can emerge during childhood or adolescence.

Child Abuse: Physical, emotional, or sexual abuse can have severe and long-lasting consequences for a child’s mental and physical well-being.

Poverty: Growing up in poverty can lead to various challenges, including inadequate access to education, nutrition, and healthcare.

Parental Substance Abuse: Children living with parents who struggle with addiction may experience neglect, instability, or emotional trauma.

Academic Pressure: High expectations from parents or teachers to excel academically can create excessive stress for some children.

Cultural or Racial Discrimination: Children from marginalised backgrounds may face discrimination or prejudice, affecting their self-identity and self-esteem.

Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation: Children exploring their gender identity or sexuality may encounter confusion, discrimination, or lack of understanding from others.

Foster Care or Adoption Issues: Children in the foster care system or those who have been adopted may face challenges related to attachment, identity, and stability.

Peer Rejection: Experiences of rejection or exclusion from peer groups can lead to emotional distress and social difficulties.

Anxiety Disorders:
Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
Specific Phobias

Mood Disorders:
Depression (Major Depressive Disorder)
Bipolar Disorder (formerly called Manic-Depressive Disorder)

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):
A neuro development disorder characterised by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD):
A range of developmental disorders characterised by difficulties in social interaction and communication, as well as repetitive behaviours.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder(ODD):
A disruptive behaviour disorder characterised by defiance, hostility, and argumentativeness toward authority figures.

Conduct Disorder:
A more severe behavioural disorder characterised by aggressive and antisocial behaviours.

Eating Disorders:
Anorexia Nervosa
Bulimia Nervosa
Binge-Eating Disorder

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD):
Characterised by obsessions (repeated, intrusive thoughts) and compulsions (repetitive behaviours to alleviate anxiety).

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):
Occurs in response to a traumatic event, such as physical or sexual abuse, natural disasters, or violence.

Developmental Disorders:
These include disorders like Specific Learning Disorders, which affect a child’s ability to learn and acquire specific skills.

Attachment Disorders:
These can result from disrupted or insecure attachment during early childhood, leading to difficulties in forming healthy relationships.

Psychotic Disorders:
While rare in children, conditions like Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia can involve hallucinations and delusions.

Substance Abuse Disorders:
Children and adolescents can develop substance abuse problems, often related to drugs or alcohol.

Self-Harm and Suicidal Ideation:
Some children may engage in self-harming behaviours or have thoughts of suicide due to emotional distress.

Emotional Deregulation:
Difficulty managing and expressing emotions appropriately.

Selective Mutism:
A social anxiety disorder where a child consistently does not speak in certain situations.

School Refusal:
A complex issue where a child refuses to attend school due to anxiety, depression, or other emotional factors.

Grief and Loss Reactions:
Children may struggle with the emotional impact of significant losses, such as the death of a loved one.

Sensory Processing Disorders:
These can affect a child’s ability to process and respond to sensory information, leading to emotional difficulties.

Identity and Gender Dysphoria:
Some children may experience gender dysphoria, which involves a disconnection between their gender identity and biological sex.

We have a team of mentors, therapists, counsellors, coaches and volunteers to work on young girls’ projects and help them deal with childhood issues.